What is a green footprint? Unlike carbon footprints, which are measurements designed to simplify environmental impacts into mathematical data, green footprints are the culmination of choices and actions that result in positive green effects that both feed and amplify each other and are thus self-sustaining. But do you really live green? How would you know? What’s the objective standard? in today’s super-charged world of Starbucks runs and triple overtime weekends it can be difficult to find the time to worry about nature. Many of us think that buying organic food and putting solar panels on the roof is enough, but the reality just isn’t so. Certainly every little bit helps—but owning your green footprint is a lot like effectively managing a healthy diet. You can’t just eat sensibly two days a week and celebrate it by pigging out at the local fast food outlet every other day. Green living is more than just a catch phrase; it’s a commitment to a whole new way of thinking, a perspective that is informed and compatible with the renewable resources of our planet, not just token efforts. IMAGE There’s a lot we can learn from nature. Insect colonies (such as bee hives) demonstrate time and again how efficient they are, how they communicate and work together as a team to do what’s in the colony’s best interest, and to do it without polluting their planet. Most colonies are even climate controlled, and the hive is kept between an ideal 32°-35°C. The irony of it is that we scratch our heads trying to engineer solutions to problems that life has solved already. That’s all about to change. Mimic Sustainable Goals of Nature for Business Operations: There’s a new breed of for-profit companies out there using Bio-mimicry as a cornerstone for its business model, and with the advent of social platforms it’s now possible for our species to think and act like a collaborative body. We can bring about these reinforced, positive green effects by encouraging, informing, and challenging each other to succeed. The environmentally responsible people at GreenConcierge are here to help make that happen. Hive Based Collaborative Decision Making: How? GreenConcierge leverages the ideas learned from Bio-mimicry (like collaborative decision making), and applies them to world travel so that people can take ownership of their green footprint. It’s also a time when the measurable effects of your carbon footprint are more immediate and noticeable, and this makes it the perfect opportunity to integrate green habits. Take Emily, one of the beta test users of GreenConcierge, as an example. She travels from London to Paris regularly and usually books a flight on a jet, but after quickly browsing her greener options with GreenConcierge she chose to get a ticket on the EuroStar train instead. This one small change drastically reduced the environmental impact produced during her travels and since the train stops in the heart of Paris (as opposed to the outskirts, where the airport is), she didn’t even need to call a taxi. Synergistic Intergroup/Interspecies Connections: By bringing our clients, locals, and staff together in real time with GreenConcierge we can empower everyone with the greenest, most sustainable travel decisions in real time, and share them with our friends and family. But the benefits don’t stop there. Collective Hove Based Participation and Action: While it’s true that the act of making greener choices is all about the individual, the effect it can have on the world is much more than just the sum of its parts. By participating in ride-sharing, bike-sharing, mass transit, or any other form of green travel program, you automatically reduce congestion on the roads and improve health and safety. It’s just like when bees pollinate flowers while harvesting food, you can’t help but do some good for those around you regardless of whether or not you’re aware. It comes down to accountability. Right now you’re probably thinking this sounds too good to be true, and you’re waiting for the catch. Though green living doesn’t really have a downside, it does require you to take responsibility. It means taking ownership of your green footprint and sacrificing some of the comforts we’ve grown accustomed to, and this is where people often start to lose their nerve. Nothing. Nothing is more understandable than the human desire for ignorance; it’s a comfortable way to feel better about ourselves despite the obviousness of the truth. Global populations are increasing, and the available landmass to feed and house the average human is shrinking by the day. It’s a mathematical reality that we can’t grow enough food or raise enough cattle to feed the current population. What will we do fifty years from now when the population is expected to double? Is it even possible for us to turn back from the cliff’s edge? It’s not too late, and the answer to our problems is simple—but that doesn’t mean it’s easy. It’s our obligation to make smarter, more informed choices right now. Leverage the billion years of wisdom that is Earth. Take the time to learn about the products and services you use on a daily basis. Spend a little more money on environmentally conscious products and limit your consumption to what you actually need. Take responsibility for your household’s footprint. Don’t be another pretender. Don’t wait for a tomorrow that will never come. Own your Green Footprint today!